Kristina Jones speaks with her husband, Jason Jones, during a Grace Marriage session at St. Pius X Parish in Owensboro in February 2022. RILEY GREIF | WKCBY DANNY MAY, OFFICE OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY LIFE On a rainy March evening in Owensboro, couples from around the...
Helping young people be the hands and feet of Christ in the world
On the night that Jesus instituted the Eucharist, surrounded by his disciples, he also modeled for them what a life of discipleship would look like.
‘A new horizon, a decisive direction’
As I go around the diocese trying to aid parish youth ministry efforts, my message has become the need for 1) adults who care (as noted in the January issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic), 2) opportunities for the faith lives of youth to come alive, and 3) opportunities for youth to live out their faith as disciples.
Vocations office to host Lenten discernment series
Twenty years ago I heard a young woman say: “I wish there was more help in discerning our vocation!” For the record she chose well. She married, has children and serves the Church with her gifts.
An invitation to participate in a Eucharistic listening session
On March 24 of 1980, St. Oscar Romero ended his homily this way.
The three big questions that matter to young people
Traveling around the diocese I often hear ministry leaders sharing the frustrations they feel in engaging this current generation of youth. I don’t believe for a second that it simply comes down to a lack of effort.
Automatic restoration of voting rights benefits citizens, commonwealth
Kentucky legislators and voters have an opportunity to renew our commitment to democracy, second chances, and restorative justice.
Faith that sticks
During the recent synod listening sessions, one of the most consistently mentioned issues was the deep concern of parents whose adult children are no longer practicing their faith. A similar concern was the lack of young people in our pews.
Black History Month 2023: Activism, faith, education, the press, and joy
The theme for Black History Month in 2023 is “Black Resistance.”
As winter sets in, now is the time to help our neighbors
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Western Kentucky would like to express the tremendous gratitude we have for our donors across our 32-county service area.