The sacred season of Lent holds immense significance in the Catholic faith. It is a time when believers are called to engage in acts of penance, reflection, and preparation, as they strive to strengthen their relationship with God.
A Matter of Faith
New Year’s resolutions and the Eucharist: A deep connection
The relationship between New Year’s resolutions and the Eucharist is an intriguing one worth exploring. While superficially, these two concepts may appear entirely different, a deeper reflection reveals profound connections that highlight the importance of personal growth, self-reflection, and spiritual nourishment.
Advent and the Eucharist: An intimate connection
Advent is a period of joyful anticipation and preparation for the coming of Christ.
Thanksgiving and the Eucharist
The holiday of Thanksgiving holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans. It is a time when families and friends gather together to express gratitude for the blessings they have received throughout the year.
Why be a catechist?
Well, it is that time of year again and many Catholics find themselves considering an invitation to become a catechist in their parish.
The Lord is speaking but are we listening?
Sometimes people need to get our attention and they blurt out, “listen.” When that happens our response is, “I need to hear this.”
Baptism and Confirmation – A Catholic’s ‘work-order’
With Spring upon us, it is hard to look at the beauty we see in the natural world around us and not be filled with the sense of God’s majesty. In our Church, the advent of Spring also brings us the many opportunities to celebrate, with our youth, the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The origin of Divine Mercy Sunday, the Divine Mercy image, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy
To many in the 20th century, humankind began to experience what St. John Paull II called “an eclipse of the sense of God.”
Can we listen to God in the silence?
For many Catholics, silent prayer can be rather difficult. Many are so used to reciting from the treasury of wonderful prayers handed down by Sacred Tradition, that it becomes difficult to not rely on them. We become dependent on them and lack ability to speak from the heart.
‘Go, you are dismissed’
In August 2019, the Pew Research Center released a study about the level of Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Lord in the Eucharist. It found that many United States Catholics do not believe the bread and wine used at Mass truly become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.