Is it possible to receive the Eucharist and not experience God’s love?
Source and summit: An encounter of God’s mercy
“The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life.” Inspiring words from the document Lumen Gentium from the Second Vatican Council and yet, what do they practically mean to us today?
The Eucharist: God’s daily provision
In the words of St. John Vianney, “What does Jesus do in the Eucharist? If you are in difficulties and sorrows, he will comfort you and relieve you…”
What’s new in the New Evangelization?
Was the old evangelization broken or deficient in some way? Is the New Evangelization a “new and improved” type? And what does this strange Greek word mean anyway?
At every Mass, we are sent on a mission!
As we prepare to celebrate the National Eucharistic Revival in parishes across the diocese beginning in June, let’s start with the goal in mind.
Find your joy: An Easter challenge
“I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day” (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, paragraph 3).
Evangelize by sharing your faith story: A Lenten challenge
The United States bishops have stated that, “Whether you were baptized as a child, or joined the Church as an adult, you have a story of faith. Whether you sincerely live your faith in quiet or have a great public ministry, you have a story of faith…”
The gift of a small group experience
My wife and I were blessed to meet after college as we served on the National Evangelization Teams (NET) based in St. Paul, Minn. As a Catholic ministry, we worked with parishes around the U.S. hosting parish retreats and leading small groups with teens.
Time for a change?
I expect you’ve heard about the National Eucharistic Revival, and you may wonder what this effort will offer you and our wider Church. You might not know that this effort is coming out of the Office of Evangelization at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Incarnation of Jesus: God with skin on
A little boy was having trouble sleeping and his parent came into his room and said, “You know that God is always with you, right?” To which he responded, “I know Mama, but I want a God with skin on.” Often when we see God working in our lives, it is through people that are cooperating with God’s grace.