Fr. Stephen Van Lal Than

Foundation Day for the Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph is celebrated on Nov. 25, the date in 1535 when Angela Merici founded the Ursuline Sisters in Brescia, Italy. To honor the occasion, the sisters planned a special prayer program in their Motherhouse Chapel. COURTESY OF MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH

Sisters conclude anniversary year with Evening Prayer


The Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph began their year of celebrating 150 years at Maple Mount on a rainy Jan. 27, 2024, joined by many friends for the feast of Saint Angela Merici. They ended the year on a rainy Nov. 25, the day Saint Angela founded her Ursuline company, with just their Sisters gathered for Evening Prayer.

Sister Ann McGrew, a member of the Leadership Council, planned the 4:30 p.m. celebration with Sister Mary Henning, who played the hymn “Today in Celebration” on the piano. Sister Ann served the role of leader during Evening Prayer, which the Ursuline Sisters participate in each late afternoon. Sister Sharon Sullivan, congregational leader, read the following:

“On this date, November 25, 1535, Angela Merici, with 28 companions founded the Company of Saint Ursula. Angela chose the feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria because of Catherine’s spousal relationship with Christ and her own devotion to strong and learned women saints. Angela and her companions assisted at Mass and received communion together. Then each signed her name in the Book of the Company, the equivalent of a solemn promise of fidelity, and the Ursulines were born.”

Sister Cecelia Joseph Olinger then carried in a pot of incense and placed it on a table in front of the altar. Sister Nancy Murphy carried in the Book of the Company and placed it on the table. After the ceremony concluded, several Sisters gathered around the book to find where their name was written.

The Sisters – both those living at Maple Mount and some who came in from Owensboro – concluded the evening by praying for the following:

  • That Ursuline Associates embody in our time the charism of Angela Merici
  • That women today respond to your call and seek to follow the Ursuline Way of Life
  • That Ursulines and Associates experience Jesus as friend and spouse
  • That the apostolic work of Ursuline Sisters and Associates continue to flourish
  • That all Ursuline Sisters, Associates, family members, friends and benefactors who have died join Angela and her Company in heaven.

Current Issue

Publisher |  Bishop William F. Medley
Editor |  Elizabeth Wong Barnstead
Contributors |  Riley Greif, Rachel Hall
Layout |  Rachel Hall
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