April 1, 2024 | Local News, Your Stories, Youth
Fr. Stephen Van Lal Than

Senior Luke Wilson fills his plate after making his donation at senior breakfast on Jan. 25, 2024. COURTESY OF MARINA SINGLER

Senior breakfast tradition helps the needs of local community

Editor’s note: The Western Kentucky Catholic recently completed a project with the journalism class at St. Mary High School in Paducah. Journalism teacher Melissa Reed, collaborating with WKC editor Elizabeth Wong Barnstead, assigned articles to five students, who each chose a topic at the school to write about, with the agreement that these articles would be published by the WKC. Please enjoy the articles by these student writers.


The last Friday of every month the senior class at St. Mary High School has a potluck breakfast during religion class. Everyone brings a dish and canned goods to donate to Paducah Cooperative Ministry or Family Service Society.

Paducah Cooperative Ministry works with McCracken County to meet the needs of the community and bring light to human needs. Family Service Society helps and assists the residents of Paducah and McCracken County with basic needs such as food, clothes, medications, personal hygiene, emergency dental needs, household items and more. These monthly donations have a significant positive impact for these organizations who are always appreciative of the deliveries.

The senior class does this as a way to give back to their community. Senior Jenna Krueger states, “I can enjoy myself while knowing I’m helping other people at the same time.”

They bring items such as canned goods, pasta, peanut butter, oats, dried beans, and more. All items for donation get sorted. The class works together to remind each other to bring in their items in order to enjoy their brunch and help the community. This offers the opportunity to give back to the community while enjoying a snack. It teaches how important it is to help those in their community.

Helping those in need can bring a sense of connection or belonging. It makes one feel as if they can make a difference in the world. Senior Guadalupe Molina expresses, “I enjoy having a day to relax and have a break from school work while being able to make a difference.”

This day gives both the students and the teacher a day to relax and take a break from the normal workload and teaching responsibilities. The senior class religion teacher Mrs. Reed states, “I enjoy senior breakfasts. It allows seniors to have a day off of class and enjoy good food and fellowship while assisting those in need in our community.” The students agree with Mrs. Reed and are also fond of this day.

One of the roles of a senior is to lead. The seniors set a good example for the underclassmen by donating and giving to their community. All members of the senior class are grateful for this opportunity and this tradition will continue at St. Mary for years to come.

Marina Singler is a senior at St. Mary High School in Paducah.


Read the other stories in this series:

Current Issue

Publisher |  Bishop William F. Medley
Editor |  Elizabeth Wong Barnstead
Contributors |  Riley Greif, Rachel Hall
Layout |  Rachel Hall
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