Evan Clan, grandson of Dcn. Dale DePoyster is a 13-year-old altar boy and football player. In this picture he tries on his grandfather’s diaconate alb. COURTESY OF DCN. DALE DEPOYSTER
Why deacons?
Yes, gold really has a heartbeat, as any grandparent will testify. This photo depicts is one of my grandsons trying on my alb and although it appears a little frumpy, we thought it fit pretty well. The smile is always a perfect fit and it is a natural part of being a permanent deacon – or in my grandson’s case a future priest or deacon.
That is the unique role of the diaconate: the amazing influence you have in other people’s lives, especially within the family and in the local parish. It is not so much what you say as a deacon, but what people see in you as an ordained man. In most cases, he comes from his parish in which he has been a member for many years or possibly grew up. When the people see one of their own step forward to serve Jesus and his Catholic Church, it is a positive testament to the man, his family, and the whole church community, but most of all to the Holy Spirit’s presence (without which would be impossible to be a deacon).
Have you ever thought about the diaconate? We are probably just like you in that we cut the grass, work a public job, raise our children and watch our grandchildren grow, and sometimes get a smile from the wife. Trust me, if you are fortunate enough to become a deacon, you are going to need a wife with a strong constitution and great faith, but then that is always the case in marriage.
Pray a lot and ponder much, and if you feel you are being called, make contact with Dcn. Tony Anthony, the president of the deacon advisory board for the Diocese of Owensboro, at [email protected]. The Kingdom of God is at hand!
Dcn. Dale DePoyster serves St. Joseph Parish in Leitchfield and St. John the Evangelist Parish in Sunfish.
Originally printed in the October 2021 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.