Newly-renovated Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Owensboro is seen on Aug. 25 during the parish’s 75th anniversary celebration. COURTESY OF BLESSED SACRAMENT CHAPEL
Seventy-five years of mission celebrated at Blessed Sacrament
Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Owensboro celebrated the 75th anniversary of the dedication of our chapel on Aug. 25, 2024. Bishop William F. Medley and a number of priests who ministered at the parish concelebrated Mass. Michael Bogdan planned the liturgy, and prepared and led the musicians, enhancing the liturgy that seemed perfect for the celebration. A dinner in Blessed Sacrament Chapel hall followed the Mass. Some of the original members of the parish were recognized.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel had recently renovated the church. The first phase was the enlargement of the sanctuary, updating the lighting, heating/AC, and general appearance of the space. Then, as funds became available, new windows honoring people were installed, the chapel was painted, and new tile flooring was installed. The pews which did not fit the small space were donated to Murray State University’s Newman Center, and chairs were purchased. Stations of the Cross that once hung at St. Stephen Cathedral now grace our walls as a prayer focus. Many meetings were held to plan the worship space, and we feel as if it fits who we are. Parishioners, friends, and the diocese contributed funds and much support throughout this endeavor. We are grateful to all for the support that we have received over the past couple years. God has blessed us in many ways these past 75 years, and we know will continue to guide us in the years ahead.
Sr. Jeannette Fennewald, SSND, is the pastoral associate of Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Owensboro.
Originally printed in the October 2024 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.