(Left to right) Tommy Ballard, purser; Fr. Darrell Venters, pastor of St. Jerome Parish in Fancy Farm, Ky.; and Denis Wilson, navigator. A check for $2,000 was presented by the Knights of Columbus Msgr. Albert Thompson Fourth Degree Assembly #1594 to Fr. Venters to send to the rebuild project for the Catholic Newman Center at Murray State University. COURTESY OF JOHN CARRICO
Knights contribute to Murray’s Newman Center rebuild campaign
The 53 members of Knights of Columbus Msgr. Albert Thompson Fourth Degree Assembly #1594, based at St. Jerome Parish in Fancy Farm, Ky., recently donated $2,000 to the “All Things New” rebuild project for the Catholic Newman Center at Murray State University.
The mission of the Newman Catholic Center is to guide young adults, especially Catholic young men and women, in the call to holiness while they live out their life as college students. According to the Catholic Racers website, the proposed new building will be a 5000-square foot facility featuring a gathering space to accommodate approximately 100 students and a chapel that is 150% larger than the current one and will comfortably seat more than 70 students for the celebration of Mass.
Originally printed in the October 2024 issue of The Western Kentucky Catholic.